Licorice Roots Powder


Digestion aid/ Peptic ulcer/ Skin brighten/ Prevent sun damage

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Potential health benefits of Licorice also spell as Liquorice

Licorice root may aid digestion
One of the most popular uses for licorice root is to help with some digestive issues, like indigestion, upset stomachs, heart burn and acid reflux. Acid reflux is a normal process in the body to help the food we eat get digested. It usually only becomes an issue when stomach acid travels up the esophagus and causes heartburn and pain.

Licorice root may help with peptic ulcers
There is a strain of bacteria called H. pylori, which commonly causes the inflammation that can result in peptic stomach ulcers. The glycyrrhizin inside licorice root extract may be able to help treat these painful sores. Usually given to treat H. pylori could help to get rid of it more effectively.

Licorice root may help fight viral and bacterial infections
Both viral and bacterial infections are caused by microbes entering the body and causing damage. They can lead to:
– Short infections like a common cold
– Chronic infections that could last weeks, months or whole lifetimes
– Latent infections that can lie in wait for months or years until they become reactivated

Licorice root has at least two triterpenes that have been reported to have antiviral effects on the body: GL and GA. They can help to weaken virus activities like virus gene expression and replication. Licorice root extract was also found to contain flavonoids that can help to treat bacterial infections, and treat strains like H. pylori, which we talked about above.

Licorice root extract may help ease sore throats
Licorice lozenges and gargles have been used to try to reduce or prevent the sore throats that sometimes occur after surgery.

Licorice root extract may support dental health
Licorice roots help with some dental conditions.
A review of literature evaluating the effect of licorice on oral diseases and oral microorganisms concluded that the anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial and anti-adhesive properties of licorice have shown beneficial effects in dental diseases, such as;
Dental caries
Aphthous ulcers

Licorice root extract may help ease menopausal symptoms
Hot flushes, hot flashes, whatever you call them! Are one of the most common – and most hated – symptoms that menopausal women have. They cause feelings of sudden warmth in the upper body, e.g. your chest, neck and face. The skin often becomes flushed red and women will tend to sweat, which can lead to them feeling pretty chilly afterwards if they lose too much body heat! These episodes can be very embarrassing and uncomfortable, but licorice may be able to help.

Skincare benefits of licorice root extract (glycyrrhizinate)
Brightening. Licorice helps to reverse hyperpigmentation, a condition where the skin forms dark patches or spots on the skin that makes it look uneven in tone and texture.
Sun defense.
Heals scars.
Calms Inflammation.
Softens skin.

Medical uses:
take 1/2 – 1 tea spoon licorice powder at morning on an empty stomach with water or juice.

Cosmetic uses ( external use for skin)
Add 2-5% concentration in water base skin care cream, lotion or serum.

Not intended for use by Pregnant and nursing women.
Not for children under 12 year of age.
Keep out of the reach of children.


DISCLAIMER: This is a complementary medicine and has not been evaluated and verified by the South African Health Products Regulatory Authority for its quality, safety or intended use. Use of this product must not substitute the obtaining of medical advice from a registered health professional for any health conditions you may have. To avoid an adverse reaction, please obtain advice from your medical practitioner if you are pregnant/breastfeeding, have a medical condition, or are taking any medication.

Additional information

Weight N/A

1000g, 100g, 500g, 50g


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