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Your skin’s favourite combination is glutathione and vitamin C.

The greatest organ in our body and frequently the most neglected is the skin. Although interest in skincare has increased recently, many people are unaware of the best products to use and frequently make poor decisions. You must refresh your skincare routine with high-quality products that are tailored to your skin’s requirements. We have a skincare set for you that your skin will love. You may obtain glowing, radiant skin if you have these in your skincare arsenal and practice a little more regularity. 

Skin serves as a barrier to keep out pathogens and toxins, allows for touch sensations, and controls our body’s internal temperature. Its outermost layer is continually exposed to chemicals, pollutants, and UV radiation. These aggressors have a detrimental effect on the health and look of the skin. If you don’t take care of your skin, problems like uneven skin tone, wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, and acne flare-ups may become a reality.  A face that appears drab and worn out is the result of numerous things.

Dead Skin Cells Everywhere: Our skin naturally and frequently loses dead skin cells. However, occasionally these dead skin cells stay on the skin’s surface longer than usual and remain there until we actively remove them. The accumulation of dead cells gives skin a dull, worn-out appearance. Moreover, the skin continues to appear old.

UV-induced skin damage: When you expose your skin to the sun for an extended period of time, you are more likely to develop dark patches and an uneven skin tone. Sunburn is one of the most severe side effects of UV rays on the skin, which causes irritation. Premature aging can also be caused by UV-induced skin damage. In 80% of cases, UV radiation is the known cause of skin damage.

Abnormal water loss: You’ve probably heard that not getting enough water during the day can have a detrimental impact on your skin and your entire body. Skin that is dehydrated looks lifeless and drab. So your skin also requires moisture, just as your body does. For good skin, it’s important to regularly use a moisturizer and drink enough water.

Skin issues brought on by stress: Stress can have an impact on both your physical and mental health, as well as your skin. You’ll undoubtedly hear someone nearby remark, or because you didn’t get enough sleep the other night. You appear so worn out today. The epidermis, the top layer of your skin, can be damaged by psychological stress. This may cause skin irritation and other skin diseases like eczema and psoriasis. If you experience acne flare-ups when you’re stressed, don’t be surprised.

What will help you regain your glow and radiance?

It goes without saying that taking care of the skin is crucial for biological health as well as meeting social needs. Increased oxidative stress (free radicals), inflammation, a weakened skin immune system, and changed biological activity are the main causes of the majority of the skin issues outlined above. The skin serves as an exterior barrier that keeps UV, chemicals, and pathogens out. To keep skin healthy and radiant, it’s crucial to limit exposure to the sun, wear sunscreen and moisturizer frequently, drink enough water, eat a balanced diet, and lead an active lifestyle. You might also think about taking supplements because they provide a standardized, time-tested, and quick fix for nutritional deficiencies. Supplements with antioxidants are at the forefront of The most significant antioxidants among the vast array of cosmetic compounds are glutathione and vitamin C.


Our bodies contain large amounts of glutathione, a potent antioxidant. This master antioxidant is essential for the control of cellular processes like protein synthesis and immunological response as well as for the defense against free radicals. Due to its anti-melanogenic, anti-oxidant, anti-aging, and depigmenting characteristics, it has become extremely popular as a skin-brightening component in the medical and cosmetic industries. Glutathione levels in the body decline as a result of stress, environmental pollutants, poor nutrition, and aging. Lack of glutathione may result in aging symptoms, weakened immunity, muscle weariness, and other problems. Supplementing with glutathione is advised for the maintenance of healthy skin and beauty, liver function, neuronal health, Parkinson’s disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, eye health, and lung function. Glutathione can be obtained by food. To meet one’s daily glutathione needs, one can eat glutathione-rich foods including broccoli, spinach, avocados, kale, seafood, and eggs. You could also decide to take supplements like AK Brighto, AK Carino, Bonita white  and for external use Gluta C cream and Gluta C serum that include glutathione.

C vitamin

Contrarily, vitamin C, a water-soluble vitamin with antioxidant capabilities, aids in preventing oxidative cell damage. Additionally, vitamin C facilitates your body’s improved absorption of glutathione. According to studies, taking vitamin C supplements can help keep blood levels of reduced glutathione (GSH) stable and improve the blood’s ability to fight against free radicals. Numerous preparations of vitamin C are available for topical use. However, rather than genuine vitamin C, the majority of topical formulations contain vitamin C derivatives. Therefore, it is preferable to take Vitamin C orally.

Your skin will come to love the combination of AK glutathione supplements and vitamin C in your skincare routine. Together, AK glutathione supplements and vitamin c can give you the shine and glow you’ve always wanted. What will you gain by ingesting this potent mixture?

Improved brightness and glow to the skin

Skin detoxification to remove free radicals Even skin tone

Restored levels of glutathione

Increases collagen, which reduces wrinkles

Enhanced general skin health

Take this ideal combination of glutathione and vitamin c every morning on an empty stomach to say goodbye to your skin issues.